MAY 2023

VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023
Criminological Perspectives on Crime Persecution Case Study Mario Dandy
1Shinta Khoerunisa,2Nur Rochaeti
1,2Master of Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

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Criminal law looks at a crime in more detail. Regarding the abuse case committed by Mario Dandy, the criminal law sees that the factors that caused the crime of persecution that caused serious injury to someone were due to internal factors such as psychological factors, age factors, emotional factors, environmental factors and others. Why is it called an emotional factor because the perpetrators are still emotionally unstable because they are still teenagers, so the perpetrators get emotional easily because the victim does not give money, and also because of environmental factors, where the environment is quiet so the perpetrators easily carry out the action.


Perspective; Criminal; Persecution.


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VOlUME 06 ISSUE 05 MAY 2023

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